Hey folks! How are you all doing? You’re welcome to this spoiler-free review of the latest Mount Zion movie, Burning Coles, which was screened on the 2nd of September, 2022 at the Drama Ministers’ Power Night. Pending its release on YouTube, I suggest you read the novel of the same title, which you can getContinue reading “BURNING COLES” (PREMIERE) REVIEW


You’re welcome to the review of “Abattoir” Episode 4. So, after some hours of unprecedented delay, it was eventually released and after watching it, I realised that perhaps, this was the reason the entire series spent so long in post-production: “Abattoir” is a big project whose episodes have increased in duration each time. And then,Continue reading ““ABATTOIR” EPISODE 4 REVIEW”


Hey folks! You’re welcome to this series of Abattoir snap reviews. So, Episode 2 was released yesterday and seriously, at the end, the hunger I have for Episode 3 is more than what I had for Episode 2. Everything that we’ve seen from the teaser trailer, the behind-the-scenes clip and the theatrical trailer has happenedContinue reading “ABATTOIR EPISODE 2 – SNAP REVIEW”


You’re welcome to another gospel movie review. So, Abattoir was shown on YouTube for the first time on July 5 and it was an awesome experience. I liked the new prelude to the channel where Jay and Josh talked. It was funny and for me, it gave a feeling of something new, and new itContinue reading “ABATTOIR EPISODE 1 SNAP REVIEW”

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