What a movie this is! I smile anytime I remember Perfect Gentleman because it is just such a good time. I don’t think any other gospel movie has got me laughing like it…ever! And I’m not even sure it set out to be in the Comedy genre. However, the earnestness with which all itsContinue reading ““PERFECT GENTLEMAN” REVIEW”


The “Love Prison” movies (or episodes) finally came to an end in a part where all the ‘conflicts’ see resolution and every mystery is unravelled. Most important of all for me, Kola and Bimpe get to be the couple they ought to have been for a long time, and it was quite pleasing to seeContinue reading ““LOVE PRISON 5” REVIEW”


It was a thing of joy when I got to know that “Love Prison 4” would be coming out much sooner than predicted from precedence. I am of the opinion that it is high time the word ‘Episode’ was attached to the movie, because the final part will be out a week after this fourthContinue reading ““LOVE PRISON 4” REVIEW”


What’s up, folks? You’re welcome to the review of “Love Prison”, a Valentine’s Day Christian YouTube release this year from the stables of GACEM Films and Music Production. The story was conceived and the movie directed by Adeniyi Famewo, while the screenplay was written by Dayo David. I always like it when I see bothContinue reading ““LOVE PRISON” REVIEW”

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