It was a thing of joy when I got to know that “Love Prison 4” would be coming out much sooner than predicted from precedence. I am of the opinion that it is high time the word ‘Episode’ was attached to the movie, because the final part will be out a week after this fourthContinue reading ““LOVE PRISON 4” REVIEW”


“Isura” which translates “Treasure” tells the story of Johnson who is being maltreated by his mother. His challenges take him on a journey seeking security, only for him to find out that the one place that guarantees safety is the shelter of the Almighty. His perseverance under intense pressure and temptations are duly rewarded asContinue reading ““ISURA” REVIEW”


“Hot Judgement” is a movie that presents a picture of the untold agony of those who choose the broad way in their lives on earth. It comprises harrowing tales of how different people missed the path of light and why they landed in outer darkness where there is “weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 8:12).Continue reading ““HOT JUDGEMENT” REVIEW”

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