Face2Face with God is a well-written story about Chief Gbenro, played by Kolade Segun-Okeowo (KSO). I appreciate this movie because it clearly originates from a concept, a powerful “What if” question. This often prompts the audience to imagine what they would do if they were in the characters’ shoes.

The writer creates a problem for the protagonist that seems like a dead end, instilling a constant sense of imminent danger — a clever way of preserving story conflict and sustaining viewer interest. Furthermore, (s)he does well to raise the stakes by putting the protagonist in even more dire circumstances, which I find brilliant. However, the credits were inadequate, as the writer’s name was not included, and there were inconsistencies in the pre-crawl and rolling credits.

KSO and Adeola Salako as a couple in Face2Face with God

Chief Gbenro serves as an example of how many people have drowned out the homing signal in their hearts, becoming insensitive to God’s presence. Similarly, some believers have become so busy that they can hardly be still to hear God speak to them. Face2Face with God shows that when push comes to shove, even atheists would realise that God has always revealed His eternal power and divine nature to every individual. Therefore, no man has an excuse before Him. KSO portrays a character who believed he was hurting the one who had wronged him, unaware that he was doing the same to himself. The movie vividly depicts how one can get trapped in their own craftiness.

The acting in Face2Face with God is commendable, complemented by beautiful cinematography and cool lighting. Aside from what appeared to be a brand placement that could have been more subtle, and some editing issues, such as ill-timed reaction shots and premature depictions of the protagonist’s aloneness earlier on, this movie is a commendable one that is hardly predictable. It also chronicles the fruits of a woman’s efforts for her husband’s salvation, and I believe it will bless you.

The link to the movie is https://youtu.be/Vp-73Xz9DIU?si=yduQElnYujTPHfN6

Till the next article, stay blessed!

Film Credits
(January 12, 2024)
62 minutes
HPGMEDIA and Red Rose Production

Kolade Segun Okeowo as Chief Gbenro
Adeola Adedamola Salako as Susan
Toyin Adekanbi as Chioma

Bola Akande
Ololade Dotun
Ololade Dotun and Bola Akande

Published by The Review Man

I'm a lover of God, movies and music.

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