So, He Is All That Matters gets a sequel, and it is quite a story. It’s gradually becoming a norm for me to firstly appreciate EVOM-involved films for their excellence in plotting stories. That is because time after time, I see this being done, which makes me know that it is a skill that can be developed and sustained. Thus, gospel films need not lack structure. I would also like to commend Tsitsi V. Himunyanga Phiri Simpito for a tasking story concept that birthed the screenplay of the film. It called for a lot of aptness in its chronology and I believe that was well-executed.

In the first few weekends of next year by God’s grace, I’ll be gracing our screens with compilations of quality in the different aspects of 2023 films. With regard to sound design, the He Is All That Matters movies have a sure place on that list. The underscore in particular, which refers to the musical accompaniment that supports the dialogue and action in a film without overpowering it, used in some of its conversation scenes always enhanced their emotional impact on me. Likewise, it’s beautiful to witness how silence could be so effective in similar contexts. This goes to show that film audio production is more a matter of application, than quantity of music resources.

This second movie opens with what I would consider a paradigm of how fallen Christian soldiers in the battle of life can be brought back on track from their dark moments. I believe that this pleases God because He is very keen on reconciliation and restoration. He didn’t send Jesus to the world to condemn us, but to save us. Church leaders would do very well to watch this movie: with the way Moses’ case was handled, I can only see more people standing firm in the faith, and not them falling away. Not only that, He Is All That Matters 2 reveals hidden pitfalls that could make believers become easy prey to the devil in their earthly race.

Furthermore, I have seen a number of sequels that deviate from the concept of their original movies, very likely because they were in a sense, forced on their predecessors. Nothing shows this more clearly than a seeming irrelevance of the original title to such subsequent movies. I am glad that He Is All That Matters 2 maintains the premise of the first movie. It is a strong enough foundation to carry one or two more films with relative ease. I believe that it’s a virtue knowing when a franchise has run its course and bringing the curtain down on it. I’ve witnessed productions unable to do this gradually lose their way.

Generally speaking, He Is All That Matters 2 is heavy on flashbacks, in a bid to give insight to the backstories of her characters. Inevitably, there was a lot of exposition in this movie, but it was managed through oscillations between visuals of the past and the present.. Such elucidation in movies often risks viewers’ attention, and just at that time for me, I sensed it was building up to something. This livened things up and I must confess that the end it delivered was worth it, especially discovering it before the characters themselves.

This motion picture provides a lot of enlightenment for believers. I learnt that spiritual maturity is in the way we allow the Holy Spirit to direct us and fight for us. If truly He is all that matters to us, we won’t have any problem obeying His instructions. That’s simple, but profound, and could reveal where God stands on our priority list. The spirit of discernment is indispensable in living a victorious Christian life, for the enemy would do anything to keep us from constant communion with God.

Finally, it’s sad that those who should be parents over their children’s destinies have become poachers of the same. And that is one of the reasons why this whole world needs Jesus: for every Femi out there who was rescued, there are also Towelas that still find themselves stuck in the mud. If we reach out to people around us with this Good News, we will be like our Father in heaven, who is always in the business of bringing people back into a loving relationship with Himself.

The link to the movie is https://youtu.be/lUJSUO-lduU?si=oGuNfZtzeeGk5abG

Till the next review, stay blessed!

Film Credits
HE IS ALL THAT MATTERS 2 (July 21, 2023)
96 minutes
EVOM World Network & Ignite Global TV

Gbenga Ayoola as Moses
Lara Ayoola as Mercy
Yomi Rotimi as Towela
Esther Taiwo as Eunice (Young)
Femi Olusina as Felix Dabo
‘Shola Mike Agboola as Holy Spirit

Tsitsi V. Himunyanga Phiri Simpito
‘Shola Mike Agboola
Directors of Photography
Sesan Afolayan
Seyi Fadiji
Tomisin Agboola and Jesuferanmi Agboola
‘Shola Mike Agboola

Published by The Review Man

I'm a lover of God, movies and music.

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