“The Encounter” is a production from the collaboration between the travel agency popularly known as UfitFly and drama ministers now tagged Ufitfly Drama Ambassadors. This is subsequent to the release of “The Wonderful Name” in 2020, and it’s an improvement on that one because of the use of Nigerian scenes to balance out any limitations in cast and crew that might have been. It tells the story of Edward, whose focus on his undesirable circumstances clouds his perception such that even a sponsored pilgrimage to Israel feels like a burden.

Isaiah 40:30 states that even youths will become weak and tired, and this is the state Edward is. The natural emotion is therefore discouragement, but egged on by Yemi Adepoju’s Kennedy, he is somehow in the right place at the right time to receive an encounter with God. It’s not totally smooth sailing because of course, the devil had a pull on him in the wrong direction, and only mercy pulls him through.

“The Encounter” is an encouragement for children of God to be steadfast in their walk with God, for He has promised us an expected end. So, we’d be doing ourselves a big favour by having that expectation. Constantly being on the lookout for what God is going to do is the key to actually encountering Him.

The link to the movie is https://youtu.be/GXghz0j0xw8

Till the next article, stay blessed!

Film Credits

THE ENCOUNTER (April 28, 2023)
42 minutes
UFitFly Drama Ambassadors and Absolute Success Travels and Tours

Ayobami Adegboyega as Edward
Yemi Adepoju as Kennedy
Kolade Segun-Okeowo as Macaulay
Rotimi Amodu as Pastor

‘Shola Mike Agboola
Sesan Afolayan and Ayobami Adegboyega
Seyi Fadiji
Tomisin Agboola
‘Shola Mike Agboola

Published by The Review Man

I'm a lover of God, movies and music.

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