Merry Christmas to all gospel movie fans all over the world! May the joy of the season be ours forever in Jesus name. You’re welcome to this special end-of-the-year Fantalk series where I’ll be letting you know my Top 8 Gospel movie soundtracks in 2020. Yeah, I planned for a Top 5 initially but I found eight that I really like. My major consideration for this list is the way the songs are creatively used in their respective movies, as well as how melodious they are. Another thing to note is that since no titles were provided for some of these songs in the closing credits of their movies, I’ll be giving them mine. This is something I’ll address in a later article in the new year, by God’s grace. So, let the countdown begin.

8. Reverse Fall – Reverse Fall

    This song performed by Psalmuela introduces and ends the webseries from The Winlos with the same title. The meaning of the song is best gotten in context of the movie and it gives the episodes a cool vibe that makes you feel what you’re about to watch would be interesting.

7. Agbara po – Kembe Isonu Season 2

    After all the display of power in the movie, this song comes in at the end credits. It’s special because the musical style used for it is mainly for English songs, so, to see the filmmakers adopt it for the Yoruba language was quite nice.

6. New Dawn – Abattoir

    “New Dawn” is the opening tune for the Abattoir episodes. I think it’s the way it introduces this very special series that makes it memorable for us. Whenever you remember the Abattoir episodes, I  think that’s the song the song you’ll start humming.

5. O My Child – Shackles 2

    I fell in love with this song in the first part in Shackles. In its sequel, it’s once again played at the closing credits and my favourite part is actually from the bridge till the end.

4. I will Love – My Mother-in-Law

    I remember watching how this movie began and wondering the reason for the series method of introducing characters but when I heard the chorus of “I will Love” come in as the title popped up on the screen, I knew that I would love the movie. It was also put to good effect in the closing scenes during which we witness the turnaround for Tife and Lola.

3. On Strike – On Strike

    This song is so special because when the strands of the story come together, it comes in and  drives home the message of the movie, as it’s quite personal and emotional.

2. Ere Ise – One Street One Sound

    This song was really technically used in OSOS as its instrumental was stylishly put in the background while a dying man joined in with the lyrics; that was a very emotional and profound point in the movie. Afterwards, it was professionally taken at the end credits. It’s a really powerful song whose subject matter every Christian should pray about.

1. Oruko Jesu – The Train

    My number one gospel movie soundtrack for 2020 is, I’ll give you a clue: it’s from The Train. Can you guess which it is? Well, let me give you another clue. It was first sung in Agbara Nla (1994) and then resung by Jay-Mikee. I’m sure you know it by now. My top movie soundtrack for 2020 is Oruko Jesu, the acoustic version. If you’re talking about the application of this song in the film, it’s was used in two meaningful places. First, in one of my favourite scenes and shots this year: where Brother Mike and Sister Gloria got married. Second is the place where the Mount Zion Faith Ministries were told to continue with their drama ministration. I actually found the full track of YouTube and it’s a short one, so you can’t easily get enough of it.

    So, those are my top gospel movie soundtracks for this year. Watch out for Abejoye Season 4 Episode 2 on Sunday, December 27, 2020 on DMB YouTube channel, as well as my article on the Top 10 Gospel Movies in 2020 later the same day on this blog. 

    Till that article, stay blessed.

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Published by The Review Man

I'm a lover of God, movies and music.

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