“12:45” REVIEW

In line with its captivating trailer, 12:45 gives you a good story packaged by well-executed cinematography and beautiful music.

Another poster picture

What’s up, all Christian movie lovers out there? You’re welcome to the review of 12:45, a film by The Winlos, who are popularly known for their hilarious and didactic skits. One of the many things that impresses me about The Winlos is how they’ve made the transition from skits to series and feature films. Success in skits does not necessarily translate to equal success in feature film production, but I daresay that their story telling in this motion picture is quite on another level from the skits. Over the years, they’ve produced some short films and some months ago, they came out with a movie series – Reverse Fall – which to me was just a tip of what was to come which is now here in 12:45.

Reverse Fall

An outstanding feature of Reverse Fall was its opening and closing credits soundtrack which will definitely be on my top 5 gospel movie soundtracks in 2020 -an article which I’ll be posting on Christmas Day, December 25, so watch out for it. 12:45 has a variety of music that set a cool tone for it at the beginning.

There were also nice aerial and establishment shots, and the ‘oners”, that is the long takes, were quite a delight to see. These oners might have only been for aesthetic effect but this indicates that the producers paid as much attention to packaging as they did to content. The poster picture is captivating, the trailer is enticing and the title evokes curiosity. I think that’s quite the complete package we want in our Christian or gospel movies. Furthermore, the picture quality was great and there were a few creative transitions.

Bishop Wale Ajayi

            Another feel-good quality of 12:45 is the cameos by Bishop Wale Ajayi and Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo as themselves. I don’t think any Nigerian gospel film has ever featured real-life characters as themselves. If you do, please let me know in the comments section below. You know that glad feeling you get when you come across a renowned person or a popular song in a movie you’re watching; you’ll get that here.

Fred and Sharon

            I don’t take the acting in 12:45 for granted at all; it was believable and down-to-earth. All the characters played their roles well. There was also a good balance in the humour and dialogue. This movie has a lot of wisdom to offer the audience and I think my favourite line in it is “Not every scandal is a demonic attack”. All in all, 12:45 is a good movie and I believe you’d enjoy watching it and be blessed by it.

            Alright, we’ve come to the end of the review of 12:45. Click below to watch the movie:

            Till the next article, stay blessed.

Published by The Review Man

I'm a lover of God, movies and music.

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