On Strike skillfully crafts a web of individual stories that meet at a climax that is heart-wrenching, but opens our eyes to a bit of reality, thereby challenging us to really trust this God we serve.

            Hey folks! You’re welcome to the review of On Strike from the stables of EVOM World Network. It was written and directed by Shola Mike-Agboola.

Car-chase scene

            I see this 84-minute feature film as a proper, complete movie. It virtually does everything it is supposed to do well, putting in different kinds of elements here and there to make it a satisfactory watching experience. On Strike features a car-chase scene that wasn’t a simple series of long shots but a combination of different kinds. The newscaster scene is the most believable I’ve seen in a long time. There’s no fuss about the cinematography – it was just on-point throughout. The movie was also well-edited as exemplified by the seamless movement between shots. The soundtrack at the end was just perfect; it really helped drive home all that the movie had ministered to us. The subtitles were accurate and there is hardly anything that distracts while watching this film, and you’re able to give it full attention.

One strand of the web of stories

On Strike tells individual but connected stories including that of a couple played by Gbenga Adekeye, who is not a strange face in EVOM movies, and Nike Adebayo, who plays Janet in the ongoing Husband and Wife Series “Waiters”, showing on Ayobami Adegboyega Gospel Films TV on YouTube. Another strand of the web leads to a gang of thieves while yet another takes us into the life of a senator played by Rotimi Amodu who gives another mature performance here. This film bides its time and scene by scene, builds its stories such that when we see the connection between them, it creates a sharp picture of the message it’s passing across.

They are sorry…

In a nutshell, On Strike is a film about acceptable service to God, and in this service, challenges come and the devil wages war against us. In all this, it is vital that we keep our eyes focused on God and not those storms. God is able to save, to deliver, even though we might not know how. If we understand that it’s God we’re serving – God the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, the Maker of man, the One who gave His only Son to bear the punishment for our sins – it would change our mindsets and perceptions. The Bible says in Hebrews 11:6 that it’s impossible to please Him without faith, and that when we come to Him, we must believe in 1) His existence, and 2) that He is a rewarder; God IS a rewarder. That’s who He is. In our relationship with Him, we need to know that nothing we do in His service is ever a waste, and He DOES reward. We’ve only got to ensure that we seek Him diligently.

Alright, we’ve come to the end of the review of On Strike. Have you seen it? If you haven’t, go and watch it. On Strike really blessed me and I’m sure it’ll bless you too.

Till the next article, stay blessed.

Watch the movie below:

Published by The Review Man

I'm a lover of God, movies and music.

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